Trajectories of Care: Representations of Empowered Mothering in Contemporary Bollywood

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Pratyusha Pramanik
Ajit K Mishra


Mothering a child with disability increases caregiving responsibilities considerably, making the
mother assume the role of the nurse, the therapist, and the educator. Uninterrupted care work,
societal surveillance and prevalent stigma severely interfere with the mental, physical, and
existential well-being of such mothers. Through a thematic analysis of select contemporary
Bollywood films, this article maps the trajectories of care and examines the alternative mothering
strategies adopted by mothers of children with disabilities to take care of their children and
themselves. A critical examination of these on-screen mothers provides an insight into the
shifting discourses of mothering practices in India.


Article Details

Author Biography

Pratyusha Pramanik, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi

Pratyusha Pramanik is currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Humanistic Studies, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India. Her works have appeared on various online portals and indexed journals like Feminism in India, Café Dissensus, Rupkatha and others.  Her areas of interest include Gender Studies, Film & Literature and Indian Writing in English. She is a Teaching Assistant in her institute and engages students in several Elective courses offered by her department.


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