Ḥifẓ al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm wa Atharuh fī Lughah Al-Ṭifl

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Salem bin Ghormallah Alzahrani


In this age - which has been raided in the dangers of language eloquence and statement - the Koran remains the greatest preserved of the sound language, and the greatest certain for its people to preserve its richness and eloquence, it is the survival of what remained the night and day. This research, which revolves around the preservation of the Holy Quran and its impact on the language of the child, and consists of an introduction: which includes the importance of the subject, the research plan, and methodology, and three topics, the first topic: the virtue of memorizing the Koran, and the benefits of memorizing the Koran in general, and the second topic: the impact of memorizing the Quran in Language of the child: It is represented in the following manifestations: - Tasting beautiful speech, - The integrity of pronunciation and eloquence of the tongue, - The integrity of the expression, - Verbal richness and eloquence of expression, - Proficiency in reading and writing. The third topic: practical steps to nurture the language of the child by memorizing the Holy Quran, including: - Graduation in the teaching and memorization of the Quran, - Repetition and revision, - Understanding the verses and the statement of what is strange, then the conclusion, and the most important results, and finally the index of sources and references.


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Research Article (Arabic)