Challenges in Figure's Study as Miracles of the Quran

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Abu Zaki Ismail
Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff


The study of numbers in the holy Quran was inspired from meditation of the Quran itself, which contains a wealth of wonders endlessly. It has to be addressed since the 5th Century AH. Then, new dimension emerge at the end of the 14th century AH (20th C. AD) after the Quran verses was numbered and the existence of computer technology.However, in order to raise the numeral miracles as part of the Quran miracles study, polemics arise, regarded with suspicion and opposition. Using the method of historiography, this study analyzed the internal and external challenges faced. The study found that assumptions whether the numeral miracles theory is an external influences is not true. There are three issues should be kept aside from the framework of Quranic miralces so it can be accepted as part of the miracles of Quran.


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Research Article (Malay)