The Application of Prophet’s Qualities of Leadership in Shaping Preacher’s Identity of Today

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Redwan Yasin
Sayuti Ab. Ghani
Burhanuddin Jalal


Quality leadership is fundamental in ensuring effective and efficient process on achieving the desired vision and mission of a duty or task. As Muslims who hold firm to al-Quran and as-Sunnah, we ought to give full recognition to the exemplary leadership attributes shown by Prophet S.A.W the final messenger of Allah SWT. As the best of man with the best of examples, his exemplary leadership attributes should be followed by all mankind. This is imperative, especially in shaping the identity of a Dai’e (preacher) living in today’s contemporary age, to face the ever changing challenges and trials in propagating the true image of Islam to the masses. Therefore, through this research, it aims to identify the exemplary attributes of leadership of Prophet S.A.W that can be found and taken from Sirah al-Nabawiyyah (The Prophet Biography). The main scope of this research is then followed by explaining the method of application of Prophet S.A.W attributes of leadership in shaping the identity of today’s Muslim preachers. This is in line with the practice of Qudwatul Hasanah which ought to be cultivated by all Muslims in every aspects of their life.


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Research Article (Malay)