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Ahmad Aqwa Rosli
Nurisya Mohd Shah


The purpose of this work is to investigate the mathematical structure of finite quantum angular momentum in a specific direction L3 which can be constructed from the representation of the U(1)  group. The angular momentum eigenstate is invariant under Abelian rotation symmetry. The character group of  U(1) is constructed to show that there exists an additive unitary operator for the angular momentum eigenstate, and the rotation eigenstate is invariant under it. The Weyl relation is proved by showing that the angle and angular momentum L3 are the canonical conjugate pair of observables.


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How to Cite
Rosli, A. A., & Mohd Shah, N. (2024). CONSTRUCTING QUANTUM ANGULAR MOMENTUM L3 IN SPECIFIC DIRECTION BY USING U(1) GROUP. Malaysian Journal of Science, 43(3), 56–58.
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