al-ʻĀnī, Q. Ṣāliḥ ʻAlī ., and A. A. . Murshed. “المُخَاْلَفَاْتُ الشّرْعِيّةُ فِيْ مُعَاْمَلَاْتِ الأَلْقَابٍ الجَاْمِعِيّةِ فيْ ضَوءِ قَاْعِدَةِ " الأمُوْرُ بِمَقَاْصِدِهَاْ : (Legal Violations in the Transactions of University Titles in Light of the Rule of ‘Things for Their Purposes’)”. Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, vol. 11, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 27-48, doi:10.22452/ris.vol11no1.3.