
  • Yusni Eri Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Agribisnis, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • V.M. Silabam Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Agribisnis, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • S.P. Fuad Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Agribisnis, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia


Catfish (Clarias batrachus), Pineapple Extract, Ananas sp., Commercial Feed


The study of commercial feed with combination of pineapple extract for 90 of catfish cultivation has been executed during 40 days. The catfish has been taken randomly and were given feed with three different dosage. The combination treatment of pineapple extract with 33% protein of commercial feed was given. The pineapple extract with dose of 0.75%/kg (P1), 1.5%/kg (P2) and 2.25%/kg (P3) were mixed with commercial feed for catfish. The result showedthat significantly higher weight of 20.56 gram and length of 15.53 cm was obtained in P2, compare with P1 and P3 was lower of body weight and body length.The survival rate of fingerlings was also found higher in P2 with value of 80% compared with P1 and P3. This conclude that the combination of feed and pineapple extract of 1.5% was better compare of 0.75% and 2.25% for catfish cultivation.



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