Adawāt wa Ma‘āyīr Taqwīm Al-Iḍṭirābāt Al-Sulūkiyyah wa Al-Nawāzi‘ Al-Ijrāmiyyah fī Al-Qur’ān Al-Karīm

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Abdullah Ali Almutairi
Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff
Ali Ali Gobaili Saged


The study discussed the evaluation of behavioral disorders and criminal propensities, and focused on the Holy Qur’an’s properties in evaluating behavioral disorders and criminal propensities and the evaluation tools and standards of the Holy Qur’an. The researcher adopted a number of methodologies appropriate to the study’s subject and objectives, namely: the descriptive, analytical, inductive, and deductive methodologies. The study aimed to clarify the tools and standards that can be used in evaluating the behavioral disorders and criminal propensities. The study found the following results. the Holy Qur’an used many tools in evaluating the behavioral disorders and criminal propensities. There are standards that must be adhered to while using the Qur’anic approach in the evaluation process, so that the process proceeds in a correct manner and become fruitful. The researcher recommended the need to carry out encyclopedic studies that include the Qur’anic and Prophetic approaches in dealing with behaviorally disturbed people and those with criminal propensities. This encyclopedia includes the Qur’anic approach and its practical applications (the Prophet’s Sunnah), in order to reach a useful educational approach for this group.


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Research Article (Arabic)