Borneo Research Journal (BRJ), a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. This journal is concerned with research results in Borneo Island focusing on social science and humanities of this island. The journal would like to invite all discourse by sending their paper between 6000 to 8000 words. Contribution in the form of review essay (5000 words) and a book review (1500 words) are welcome. All contributions are in British English and follow the APA style (Version 7) for citations and references.
eISSN : 2600-8645
Print ISSN: 1985-5443
Publisher: University of Malaya
Publication type: Printed and Electronic
Publication frequency: December, 1 time per year
Indexed by:
Current Issue
Vol. 13 (2019)
Published: 2019-12-30