
Research Articles 研究论文

1.  Reference and Method: Post Cultural Revolution Writing and Research / 文献与方法:论文革写作及其研究

CHOONG Yee Voon(钟怡雯)

2. Discussion of Two Translated Versions of The Chinese Story “BaiLi Xi Meets His Wife” in Baba Malay Novel / 两种峇峇马来文“百里奚认妻”故事译本的版本探讨

LAI Chin Ting(赖静婷)

3. The Religion-State Relations and Religious Governance of Malaysia: The Secularization and Religious Market Theories Perspectives / 马来西亚政教关系与宗教治理:世俗化与宗教市场理论为视角

LAM Chui Peng 蓝姵錂 

4. Empathy: The Quotations and Allusions of Chinese Classical Poetry in The Buddhist Prose of Guo Lianhua and Ven Jicheng / 孤独情怀:郭莲花与继程法师佛教散文之古典诗词引用

LEW Ya Ling(刘雅琳)

5. The Intertextuality and The Combination of Fictionality and Reality in Proses and Novels of New Immigrants in Geling Yan's Works / 严歌苓新移民散文和小说的互文互补与虚实结合

OOI Tze Zian, FAN Pik Shy(黄子健、潘碧丝)

6. Analysis and Evaluation : A journey in search of Zhang Shunhui’s methods of academic pursuit and academic vision through “Separate Records of Qing Literary Anthologies”(Qingren Wenji Bielu)/ 从张舜徽《清人文集别录》中探寻治学之道及其学术理想

TEY Shi Bin(郑诗傧)

7. The Promotion and Effectiveness of “Whole Book Reading” in Chinese Primary Schools in Malaysia / “整本书阅读”在马来西亚华文小学的推广与成效

刘培琪、何启才(LAW Puay Khee, HO Kee Chye

* Notes for Contributors / 稿约

Published: 2022-06-30