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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Manuscript scripted to MCIJ template
  • References are according the MCIJ guidelines
  • Authors full names and affliations are provided at the last page

Author Guidelines




Please download and use the MCIJ template and EndNote style provided in Author Guidelines

  1. Title Page and contact information
    The first page should contain the article title, full names of authors, affiliations of all authors, and the corresponding author e-mail address. A separate Title page (with abstract) apart from the full manuscript should also be included
  2. Abstract
    The abstract should provide clear information about the research and the results obtained and should not exceed 300 words. It should not contain citations. Abstracts of review articles should be a brief overview of the main points from the review.
  3. Keywords
    Please provide a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 keywords to enable retrieval and indexing. Keywords should not be a virtual copy of the title.
  4. Manuscript Content
    All research articles should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections for example: 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental section including materials and methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, Acknowledgement & Reference. Subsections should be numbered 1.1., 1.2., etc. as italic. Abstract, Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgements and References sections should not be numbered.
  5. Conflicts of Interest
    All authors should also disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced either the conduct or the presentation of the research. The statement should be stated at the last section of before Acknowledgements.
  6. Acknowledgments/disclaimers/conflict of interest, if any
    Acknowledgments or disclaimers should be included in this section. Names of funding organizations should be written in full.
  7. Tables and Figures
    All illustrations including photographs, drawings, graphs, etc. must be labeled and submitted as "Figure" both in the manuscript and as separate files. All tables and figures must have a caption and/or legend and be numbered (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1). The tables and figures should be given at appropriate place and next to related text. Tables must be clearly typed, each on a separate sheet, and double-spaced. Tables may be continued on another sheet if necessary.
  8. References
    References must be numbered in square brackets within the manuscript and listed in order of their first appearance in the text. Do not include personal communications or unpublished data or materials (such as project final reports, websites, computer programs, poster papers, presentations, and manuscripts that are not published yet) as references. Authors can dwonload the

References should be formatted as follows (please note the punctuation and capitalization):
Journal articles: Journal titles should be abbreviated,
[1] N. G. Khaligh, K. F. Chong, T. Mihankhah, S. Titinchi, M. R. Johan, J. J. Ching, An efficient synthesis of pyrrolidinone derivatives in the presence of 1,1’-butylenebis(3-sulfo-3H-imidazole-1-ium) chloride. Aust. J. Chem. 2018, 71, 566-572.
[2] R. M. Silverstein, G. C. Bassler, T. C. Morrill, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1991.
Chapter of Book
[3] B. Rogoff, J. Mistry, Memory development in cultural context. In M. Pressley & C. J. Brainerd (Eds.), Cognitive learning and memory in children. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985, pp. 117-142.
[4] L. A. Marshall, K. E. Steiner, G. A. Schieser, Dibenz[b,e]oxepin derivatives and pharmaceutical composition containing the same. U.S. Patent 4889 858, 1989.
Conference proceedings
[5] Y. Li, D. E. Fennell, W. Huang, Transformation of aniline and 4-chloroaniline in sediments from an industrial site. In: ACS Division of Environmental Chemistry Meeting 236; Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2008. pp. 534-537.
[6] M. Chityala, Chemistry of Cyanoform (Tricyanomethane) and Rearrangement of 1H-1,2,3-Triazoles to the Corresponding 2H-Isomers. PhD, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany, 2016.


Original and significant work for rapid publication that are specific interest to catalysis research field


For all submissions, we require a statement explaining the novelty and significance of the work and why the manuscript will appeal to Malaysian Catalysis-An International Journal readership.


Mini-reviews are short, focused, readable articles covering current areas of interest for the catalysis community. The length of Mini-reviews will typically be 6000-10000 words with 100 or more references excluding figures, structures, photographs, schemes, tables etc.

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