BEST PAPER AWARDS for the 1st Postgraduate Students Research Paper Competition
Dear Authors,
We are very proud to announce the winners of the BEST PAPER AWARDS for the "1 st Postgraduate Students Research Paper Competition" in Malaysian NANO-An International Journal (MNIJ). Malaysian NANO-An International Journal (MNIJ) is an open access peer- reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal published yearly twice by the Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), University of Malaya, Malaysia. An Evaluation Committee considered the originality and significance of the papers for the winners.
The first prize article is:
The synergistic effect of N-doped TiO 2 -SiO 2 nanocatalysts and peroxydisulfate towards improving Bisphenol A photodegradation efficiency by Thao-Vy Nguyen et al.
The second prize articles are:
Applications of nanocellulose as biosensing platforms for the detection of functional biomacromolecules: A Review by Abu Hashem et al.
The third prize articles are:
Surface Wettability of ZnO Thin Films by Mohd Rashid Yusof Hamid et al.
The fourth prize articles are:
Marangoni Convection in a Wavy Trapezoidal Enclosure with Nanofluids in Different Amplitudes by Sharifah Nuriza Binti Syed Muhammad Naquib Al Aidrus et al.
The Fifth prize articles are:
A critical review of nanomaterials and their industrial applications by Aisyawrya Rajan et al.