BEST PAPER AWARDS for the 2nd Postgraduate Students Research Paper Competition


Dear Authors,

We are very proud to announce the winners of the BEST PAPER AWARDS for the "2nd
Postgraduate Students Research Paper Competition" in Malaysian NANO-An
International Journal (MNIJ). Malaysian NANO-An International Journal (MNIJ) is an open
access peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal published yearly twice by the
Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre (NANOCAT), Universiti Malaya, Malaysia.
An Evaluation Committee considered the originality and significance of the papers for the

The first prize article is: Gold nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide as green catalyst for solventless hydrosilylation process

The second prize article is: Fabrication and development of ultra-low-cost graphite rod electrode

The third prize article is: Green synthesis of size-controlled silver nanoparticles and their anti-cancer potentiality

The fourth prize article is: Investigation on impact properties of basalt and glass fiber reinforced polyester composites filled with nano silica

The fifth prize article is: Nanotechnology in agriculture: A review of innovative utilization