Articles submitted to the journal will undergo a rigorous peer-review process, involving at least two reviewers (double-blind). Reviewers will evaluate submissions based on their relevance to the journal's scope, the significance of their contribution to the field, the strength and clarity of their analysis, the depth of their conceptual framework, the clarity of their presentation, and their technical precision.

To maintain impartiality, the identities of the authors will remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout the review process. The same stringent review standards apply to articles submitted by members of the journal’s Editorial Board.

The review process is designed to be thorough yet efficient. Upon submission, articles are initially screened by the Editorial Board for suitability. Those that pass this initial screening are then sent to reviewers. Authors can expect to receive initial feedback within 8-10 weeks of submission. After receiving reviewer reports, authors are expected to revise their articles promptly and resubmit them for further review if necessary.

The journal publishes issues twice a year, in June and December. To be considered for the June issue, articles should be submitted by the end of January. For the December issue, submissions should be completed by the end of July. This timeline ensures that the review and revision process is thorough, allowing sufficient time for high-quality scholarly work to be published on time.